Presenting “The Daemon Guide to The Book of Life", Book 3 of the All Souls Trilogy
If you were successful in completing books one and two of the All Souls Trilogy, 'A Discovery of Witches', and 'Shadow of Night,' but haven’t picked up 'The Book of Life' yet, we are here for you!This is also a great refresher for people who haven’t picked up the books in a while.
Click to see "The Daemon Guide to The Book of Life" <----Click!
When we published our last guide, we said that we understand that there are different types of readers, and some of them (maybe you?) may not have even picked up the books yet for whatever reason. The books are too long, maybe it’s not your genre, or you just want to wait for the television show. All valid reasons, and of course we don’t want to force anything on our followers. That said, we adore this series (ya think?) and believe that everyone can get something out of it!
'The Book of Life" concludes Matthew and Diana's harrowing adventures. And of course, it's still a fantasy novel containing all of the creatures we learned to love/hate in Books 1 & 2, plus a couple more!
We hope these guides help you get through what may seem like a daunting task...they are large books! But we believe that once you are immersed in this world, you won't be able to put them down.
There will be spoilers in this guide, especially if you haven't read the other two books!
Start with 'A Discovery of Witches' - See the corresponding Guide
Continue with 'Shadow of Night' - See the corresponding Guide
The .PDF version is available in the downloads library so you can print it, and have it by your side while you read.
Until next time!