Thursday, October 25, 2018

Daemons Discuss - Podcast: Take 45! | Chapter Discussion about the All Souls Trilogy; Chapter 21 of Shadow of Night

So much for Diana to learn in so little time!
Take 45 - The One With the Entrance Exam

Description: Join us as we meet the wise Goody Alsop. She reveals the whole story behind Diana Bishop's erratic powers to her, Matthew Clairmont (Roydon/de Clermont . . . etc.), Susanna Norman, and to us! After careful negotiation, and some protestation from both Susanna and Matthew, Goody Alsop agrees to be Diana's teacher, no matter what! YAY!

We also finally get to tell you what actually happened with last week's episode (Jerry πŸ‘»), and there will be changes on how to get into our Facebook group. If you are interested, make sure you fill out form to join! Link below). We had a great time doing this "take 2 of Take 45" -- we must've, because it was two hours of raw recording! Through the magic of editing, it's been cut down to 1.5 hrs (a little better!). Please enjoy!

SPOILER ALERT! We (The Daemons) approach this podcast with an assumption that the listener has read All Souls universe books, including the trilogy (A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night, The Book of Life), and  Time's Convert + snippits from The World of All Souls. If you haven't, and you don't mind, we certainly don't mind!  Please be advised, we will approach the television series (A Discovery of Witches) the same way when it is released in the US/Canada. 😊  Let's do this. *Note - this podcast is labeled 'explicit'

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1. Show notes:

For newcomers to the series:
  • Our Daemon Guides to the All Souls Trilogy are available for download: ADOW, SON, TBOL 
  • If you'd like a ready-reference from the author herself, be sure to download the All Souls Real-Time Reading companion (free e-book at online booksellers via Penguin and Headline books). For a more in-depth view of the trilogy, The World of All Souls is available at all major book sellers, as well as the continuation volume into this world, Time's Convert.
  • Deborah Harkness usually conducts a real-time reading on her Facebook Page (starting in September), and shares her posts across social media. Check out her website for all of her social media links, and of course all that she has to offer her readers! Be sure to sign up for her newsletter while you are there!
  • To see what's available on the web as far as the All Souls universe fandom, check our links page.
Diana's a weaver! What does that even mean?
In this episode:
We discuss how it felt for us to "meet" Goody Alsop for the first time. In chapter 21 of Shadow of Night, like Diana, we had a whole lot of questions! How many of Matthew's secrets did she know? Why is Susanna so reluctant to help Goody with the task of teaching her? What exactly is a weaver? What were Diana and Matthew's concerns? How will they proceed? How does Goody know SO MUCH?

We had quite a few revelations! We encourage you to dive in and listen to the whole thing. Yes, this episode is long, but take it in shifts! It'll be worth it.

Housekeeping brings us a couple of awesome emails, and a great review! Shouts, Krystal, MerylAnne, and Elphie 853! Oh, and let us not forget Shelli (Dr. Shelli Carter)!

Save It For The Show - Topic: Adaptation means ADAPT. We discuss how we are trying to adapt, and how the general fandom could proceed with the growing pains we are all experiencing. Also, Goodreads (aka "Hoodreads") is for reviews, not Deb's virtual living room, OK?

Last thoughts: Angela talks about a question from a fellow fan re: Baldwin being a clean-up crew behind Matthew . . . which leads to talk of TV Baldwin (Jean's been converted! Oh, she's also #TeamSarah, thanks to Alex Kingston), and then we talk about color palettes for the characters on the show. Jean is excited to do deep dives into the next chapters. We talk about going into The Book of Life like we did Shadow of Night; one or two chapters at a time, because when we mull over them like this, we get a really close look at the situations the characters find themselves in. Valerie brings up the change of procedure to join our Facebook group going forward.

About the show notes, we've decided to go with a truncated show note format, very simply because the long-form version is labor intensive, and in the end of the day, only 21% of our listeners view the full show notes. It made sense for us to cut them down to the basics. We will provide all of the links going to the subjects we talked about, and of course we will always thank everyone that contributed to the episode. Also, there is always the option to join the FB group (if you are a listener), for deeper dives into the content contained in these episodes. We hope you can forgive us! This year has proven to us that time for most creatures is finite (we aren't vampires!), and self-care is extremely important.  Like everything else, we treat the podcast as a sculpture, not a statue. If we need to change something for the sake of our sanity, the time we spend with our families, and the quality of production, we will. Thank you for understanding!

P.S. We haven't forgotten you, dear Discussers. We will reach out soon via email for chapter contributions. Since we had to re-record an episode on the day Valerie usually edits, this episode took longer to finish (it had to be done during various hours of off-time during the work week), and there was no time to curate comments and emails for this and the next episode. Please reach out to us if you have something to say regarding the episodes! Contact us below or here on our podcast contact link: We will reach out very soon, once the All Souls crazy season settles a bit -- it's such an exciting time to be a fan, eh?!
  • Special thanks . . .
    This podcast is brought to you by our Patrons! To become a patron all you need to do is visit us at and become a member. See what level tier you'd like to join us! All tier levels will receive access to our exclusive Daemons Discuss! The Aftershow podcast.
  • Thank you to our Patron sponsors: Lisa Slack (chapter discussion), Lyn Serano (housekeeping), and Linda Zipp (Save It For The Show)! 
  • Thanks goes to our Discussers: Krystal, MerylAnne and our iTunes/Apple podcast reviewer, Elphie853!
We compare Goody to Sweet Brown. From Rheumatism to Bronchitis. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!
Diana's color palette is definitely blue-dominant to match her brilliant eyes!
That Baldwin photo . . . color us convinced!
Links pertinent to the episode:
πŸŒžπŸŒ›πŸŒŸ To join our private, listener-only Facebook group, apply here → Join Daemonic Discussers The "word" is "F*cking Firedrake"

πŸŒžπŸŒ›πŸŒŸ  To see/hear all of our chapter reviews, check out this list: Chapter Review Episodes

πŸŒžπŸŒ›πŸŒŸ  To check out all of our episodes go here: Daemons Discuss! Full Episode List

Previous Episode
Bonus Edition - The One With Jerry and the Encore

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Thanks for listening!
Until next time...

Credits/Copyright Information * Intro music: "Ghost Dance" (edited down to second chorus) by Kevin Macleod, licensed for use by Creative Commons.
* News intro: by AwesomeMusicVideos21; provided for fair-use/royalty-free.
*  Outro music: Rimsky-Korsakov - "Scheherazade Symphonic Suite for Orchestra Op.35 - IV. Allegro molto," Public
* "Save it for the Show" segment introduction voiceover by Devyn Grendell  
* Cover art (+ all variations associated w/ it): © Daemons Domain 
* The term "unofficial" is explained in our disclaimer located in Terms of Use - item 14.
* The Daemons Discuss podcast is hosted and produced by the owners (Angela, Jean and Valerie) of Daemons Domain and can also be found by entering the url in your browser, (listed on the various podcast syndicates like iTunes, Stitcher, etc.) which will redirect you back to the parent site, Daemons Domain.
* This podcast is intended for personal download/consumption.  Please see our Terms of Use; item 3.

* Our episode titles are a loving tribute to the show "Friends" just 'cause we love Friends and - let's face it - it's easier! Here's how one of the show creators explains their reasoning:
Jeff Greenstein: "When Marta & David & Jeff & I did 'Dream On', we used to spend a lot of time thinking about titles, because they were on-screen at the top of each episode. On "Friends", we decided that was a waste of time. We figured, why not name each episode after the thing that people will ostensibly be talking about around the water-cooler the next day?"
This was a Daemon Production

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Monday, October 22, 2018

Happy Halloween! A Giveaway!

Yay! Halloween!
Our favorite! Halloween! Yes, this is the time of year we get to go out and be our naturally freaky selves! To celebrate, we are having ---- a GIVEAWAY (well, of course, we are). This year, we decided to have some fun with the prize. While browsing the internet, we came across a candle that had a depiction of a cartoon vampire; it conjured every human myth of vampires we could think of! Fantastic! We had to get it, and we knew it's what we would be giving it away this year as a juxtaposition to the book that tells us the truth about creature origins: The Book of Life. We got the matching soap and and we are throwing in a witch ball key ring!

Human myths everywhere! This is why we also provide The Book of Life - the truth about creatures
As usual, we've provided several ways to enter, including podcast trivia, fandom trivia, social media follows, and of course you can tweet about this daily (do one, some, or all)! This giveaway will run for 9 days; Tweeters, maximize your chances!

So . . . here's what's up for grabs:
  • The Book of Life (US paperback), signed by Deborah Harkness
  • A Bath and Body Works triple-wicked candle + liquid soap - Bath and Body Works Vampire Blood is a hauntingly fun blend of Blood Red Strawberries, Midnight Blooming Jasmine, and Dark Transylvanian Plum
  • A "Sarah's witch ball" key ring
UPDATE! Congratulations Aviva!

We're so happy it made it to Berlin!

xo, ~The Daemons

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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

All Souls Book News - A Recap of What's Been Happening So Far . . .

We love this interview - video courtesy of Waterstones 
Updated 17 October 2018 - It's out! Time's Convert is available at any bookseller (online and brick and mortar) in the US, Canada, the UK, and anywhere Viking and Headline books server.
Time's Convert - US/UK covers
Here is a Q/A with Deborah Harkness (courtesy of Viking Books)
Q: Once the All Souls Trilogy ended with THE BOOK OF LIFE, did you immediately have the idea to do a spinoff? How did that idea come about?

A: I knew I had many more stories to tell about the characters, but I wasn’t exactly sure how to tackle them. Marcus’s story was far more complicated than I imagined it to be, as it turned out. I had originally set out to write about Matthew’s time in Tudor England before 1590, but that also turned out to be more complicated than I imagined. So I worked on both of them at more or less the same time. TIME’S CONVERT just reached the finish line first.

Q: TIME’S CONVERT centers on Marcus and Phoebe, and Marcus’s life before he became a vampire. Did you think about Marcus’s origin story when you were writing the trilogy, or did everything come to you when you started writing this book?

A. I thought about Marcus’s origins all the time. It was impossible to think about Matthew as a character without delving into what kind of father he was, and considering what kind of son Marcus was. Even though in the trilogy Marcus and Phoebe tend to be characterized as “minor characters,” in my opinion there is no such thing. Every character I write has the same amount of backstory, the same amount of detailed thinking required, the same application of imagination to their individual problems as Matthew and Diana do.

Q: As a scholar and professor of history, your life has been about research. What kind of research did you do for TIME’S CONVERT? Was it different than the research you did for the trilogy?

A. The research for Time’s Convert was different in the sense that I couldn’t draw as much on research I’d already conducted for teaching and my scholarly books. I usually end my courses around 1750. Marcus wasn’t born until 1757. So I while I definitely knew something about the period I write about (roughly 1750 to 1810), I had a great deal to learn. Once I realized how much work I needed to do, I tackled it like any other scholarly research project: I read historical monographs written by experts; looked at lots of images and material objects; and steeped myself in the primary sources of the period. The title of the book, for example, comes from a line in Thomas Paine’s Common Sense—Marcus’s favorite book.

Q: What was the most fun part of writing TIME’S CONVERT? The most surprising?

A. The most fun part was being a student again and learning a lot more about eighteenth-century history than I did previously. The most surprising thing for me is how complicated the eighteenth century is. It’s very difficult to get an overall grasp of a particular moment because there are so many distinct voices that offer up different perspectives.

Q: Your first book, A Discovery of Witches, has been adapted into a TV series airing in the UK this fall. What has it been like seeing your book come to life on screen?

A. It’s been fascinating. The process of making television is very like the process of writing a book. You have to imagine all sorts of possibilities, go through multiple versions of the final version before you discover the one that works, and survive months of editing and revising. In the end you just have to cross your fingers and hope that you got more of it right than wrong.

Q: Are you able to tell us what you’re working on next?

A. Right now I’m working on recharging my creative batteries. This involves reading widely, listening to lots of music, and doing very normal, everyday activities like walking the dog, spending time with horses, cooking, and decluttering my house of the piles of stuff that grow to mammoth proportions when I am busy writing. I have a lot more ideas for stories from the All Souls universe, but I also have a number of other projects that I’d like to tackle, too. As always, whichever characters shout loudest get the bulk of my attention. I’ll be as eager as you are to see what develops next.

Time's Convert UK Tour Details:


Now ... for the rest of it! We were shocked and surprised when we checked our Amazon accounts on the 5th of February, 2018! There was a brand new book for us to look forward to (and pre-order!). Could we keep quiet about it? NO! But Deb was eerily silent ... that is until the 6th of February. That's when she shared the exclusive (how were we supposed to know we weren't supposed to see this thing yet?!) cover reveal by Entertainment Weekly.

UK cover reveal (at Waterstone's)

On the 1st of June 2018 we got this UK cover reveal via Waterstone's Twitter account!

As of the 7th of February, we've got news via Twitter from one of the Headline publicists. The Bookseller released this announcement: New Harkness vampire novel to Headline

Time’s Convert by Deborah Harkness

So, here's what we know...
Publication date: September 18, 2018
686 pages per Deb

The description:

Set in contemporary Paris and London, and the American colonies during the upheaval and unrest that exploded into the Revolutionary War, a sweeping story that braids together the past and present.

On the battlefields of the American Revolution, Matthew de Clermont meets Marcus MacNeil, a young surgeon from Massachusetts, during a moment of political awakening when it seems that the world is on the brink of a brighter future. When Matthew offers him a chance at immortality and a new life, free from the restraints of his puritanical upbringing, Marcus seizes the opportunity to become a vampire. But his transformation is not an easy one and the ancient traditions and responsibilities of the de Clermont family clash with Marcus's deeply-held beliefs in liberty, equality, and brotherhood.

Fast forward to contemporary London, where Marcus has fallen for Phoebe Taylor, a young employee at Sotheby's. She decides to become a vampire, too, and though the process at first seems uncomplicated, the couple discovers that the challenges facing a human who wishes to be a vampire are no less formidable in the modern world than they were in the 18th century. The shadows that Marcus believed he'd escaped centuries ago may return to haunt them both--forever.

A passionate love story and a fascinating exploration of the power of tradition and the possibilities for change, Time's Convert will delight fans of the All Souls trilogy and all readers of magic, the supernatural, and romance.

Of course, for people who follow Deb and the news in this universe, this wasn't an out-of-the-blue surprise; she gave us a heads up that Marcus was in our book future with this picture via Instagram:

Deb shared the completed manuscript of Time's Convert (the book formally known as "Marcus' book") on Instagram
So, since this is Marcus' book, did the TV Marcus (played by Edward Bluemel) get a sneak peak? According to our source (our source is yours too. C'mon, you know it's Deb!), he totally did!

Also, there's his reaction to her IG post:

World of All Souls Information:

Deb's interview with Amazon
Deborah Harkness Expands Her All Souls Trilogy

Deb's talk in Seattle

Deb's talk at University Book Store in Seattle WA, 8 May 2018 - there is a big surprise in this talk!

Q&A with The World of All Souls contributors! 

-How did the idea for the project come about, and how did you become involved?

JILL: The project was inspired by the enthusiasm of Deb’s readers and their intense interest in the world Deb built in the trilogy.  After SHADOW was published, Deb and her publishers saw readers’ enthusiasm and curiosity deepen, and I think that’s when Deb started to imagine a companion book to the series. I’d been working with Deb since the publication of A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES and knew the books fairly well so I was happy to join the project, especially alongside such a talented team.

LISA: I got involved very early because I had been editing Deb’s drafts since A Discovery of Witches.  Deb broached the possibility of my writing a companion volume around 2012, when Shadow of Night came out. We played with the idea, and shortly afterward Jill came into the mix. We had a good idea of the subjects we wanted to cover, but how would we find time to write and pull the whole project together at the same time? Then in 2015 Deb added Claire and Colleen to the project, and off we went!

CLAIRE: Discussions for a companion book to the trilogy had been going on for a long time. As the All Souls fandom grew, it became clear the community of readers were passionate about the rich and vast historical background to the trilogy. In the absence of a companion book, they had created their own forums to share and discuss all the different aspects of the world. There was clearly a need and desire for a comprehensive ‘World of..’ volume.
I was Deb’s UK editor at Headline and have worked with her since the first publication of A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES, publishing all three books there. When I went freelance I carried on working with Headline and Deb, and had just finished putting together the All Souls Real-Time Reading e-book for them when Deb approached me and asked if I’d like to work with her on creating THE WORLD OF ALL SOULS volume. Obviously, I squealed with excitement and said YES PLEASE.

deb asked me a lonnnnngg time ago thru my tumblr account if i’d ever want to work on a project with her.  i thought she was some freaky fan, wanting me to do a mural of gallowglass in their basement. but she proved to be legitimate. and then in 2016, she officially hired me to illustrate the TWOAS and i giddily said yes as then i knew she wasn’t a crazy person. :-)

-What part of the process of creating this book surprised you the most?

CLAIRE: There were lots of surprises and challenges throughout the whole process of putting the book together. Working as part of a team, and brainstorming ideas for all the things that could be included in the book, was so fun. As we got to work in more detail on each section, and delved into Deb’s inspiration cabinet, the incredible depth of the All Souls world kept astonishing me. Every aspect, from the science, alchemy and magic, to the people and locations, and down to the smallest historical details (such as the fact that Matthew Roydon really is recorded as living with a shoemaker in Blackfriars) is based on some real historical fact, person, place or fascinating concept. It’s a master-class in world-building!

COLLEEN: that the writers had to keep to word counts. FOR EVERYTHING!
LISA: I think the biggest surprise was the depth of the trilogy. I already knew that several of the characters were historically real, but in doing the research I discovered even more characters I hadn’t known were actual people. The line between fact and fiction started blurring in a very pleasant way, which is how I imagine Deb feels much of the time!

JILL: Even though we all lived thousands of miles apart, I was surprised by how intensely collaborative the project was.  When you read any given paragraph, you’re reading something that was drafted by one of us, edited by a couple of others, then re-worked and embellished by a third person (usually Deb), and finally, beautifully illustrated and imagined by Colleen.  (Also, we discovered plenty of surprises in the course of our research.  For instance: poor, poor Jane Dee).
-What's your favorite thing about TWOAS?

LISA: My favorite thing is the way the different categories interweave and overlap, providing an incredibly rich combination of fantasy world building, history, alchemy, fashion, mythology, and art. The book is so much FUN—you don’t read it so much as you experience it.  And I love the way both the trilogy and TWOAS make you think about the people and objects that have fallen out of the historical record. It gives me great comfort to think of a lost Holbein portrait of Margaret More, hanging over a loo.

JILL: I love learning new things so working on this book was a delight—I know so much more about Elizabethan fashion, and about people like Pliny the Elder (he had a terrible life/work balance), the functional and tactical differences between rapiers and broadswords, how to make candied violets, the relationship between phaeton carriages and Spyder cars, theories of time travel, etc.  I pity my friends because now I’m THAT PERSON at dinner parties...

CLAIRE: It’s impossible to pick a favourite. There’s so much fascinating background to all the aspects I loved about the trilogy. Having studied history, I am always drawn to the wonderfully rich historical elements. And I love the way in TWOAS that this background is brought to life through the framework of the All Souls characters and their experiences – we never wanted the book to feel dry or too dense at any point. But looking at it overall, I think it’s the sheer scope of subjects covered that’s one of my favourite things about the book, and what really makes it stand out.

COLLEEN: the statues. the 3 sexy pages and the fashion. oh and the little chess pieces. all the little whimsical doodly bits, too!

-What was it like to work with Deborah on creating a book? 

CLAIRE: Fun, exhilarating, inspiring and a hugely rewarding experience! Having worked with Deb on the All Souls trilogy since the first publication of A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES, I knew it would be an absolute joy. But now being in a position to work with her on creating a book from scratch was really special and something I feel SO lucky to have been a part of.

LISA: It was such a delight! I don’t have a fraction of her fictional creativity but I love to write, so delving into her fictional and historical world was an ideal way for me to participate in the process.

CLAIRE: When it started, she fed me, wined me, introduced me to oysters and champagne, her wonderful working family (and her rocking mom!) and from that point on she could have thrown me in a pit to crush rocks with a hammer and i’d happily do it. During the process, i gave her lots of “in process sneaks” but my main bosses were claire and the jill-lisa. I did have deb’s world, in my hands tho, for a year and THAT was thrilling.

JILL: It was lovely, actually.  Deb is a wonderful teacher and a gentle editor.

--Do you feel like you got a peek into Deb's creative process and if so, what did you discover?

COLLEEN: Somewhat. I feel like i helped bring the world of ALL SOULS to visual life. I feel like i spent an INORDINATE TIME researching, museum crawling, google diving, and thinking and sketching and processing the HOW i wanted to go about the illustrations, which must have been like how she chose specific elements, periods, narratives, character aspects (fictional and historic) of the first 3 books. I ended up thru that process, discovering “deb patterns” of thinking and creating, understanding her aesthetic, her “eye” and the way she has her readers use ALL of their senses thru her scenes. and her extraordinary gift of sparking my imagination and making me really want to push my elf, creatively, to render her world with the highest compliment of my talents. :-)

CLAIRE: I wouldn’t say there’s a set process for Deb as such, but we definitely got an illuminating peek into how she used her vast knowledge and research as an academic to create the amazingly rich world that has captured readers’ imaginations. I also loved discovering some of the magical connections Deb said came to her while she was writing the books. One of my favourite examples of this magic is Deb’s story of when she was researching locations in Venice for THE BOOK OF LIFE. While being shown around a centuries old, beautiful palazzo (usually closed to the public) she noticed engraved in Latin on the fireplace in the main hall Christopher Marlowe’s phrase, “What nourishes me, destroys me”. This was all the sign she needed that it had to be Matthew de Clermont’s Venetian residence. Wonderful.

JILL: We got a lot more than a peek--we were absolutely immersed in her process (to mix a metaphor).  Even though I know Deb’s a historian, I was gobsmacked by the breadth and depth of scholarship she brings to her novels.  I’m all about the emotional journey when I read her books, but working on TWOAS reminded me that Deb is not only a student of human character—she’s also an astounding scholar.

LISA: I’d been getting peeks into her creative process for several years, so I had some idea of how she operates. But so much of her creative process is unknowable. I don’t think even Deb fully understands it—she just makes magic.


*Q&A courtesy of Viking Books - download the .pdf here!

More information on The World of All Souls by Deborah Harkness 
(Author),‎ Colleen Madden  (Illustrator),‎ Claire Baldwin (Contributor),‎ Lisa Halttunen (Contributor),‎ Jill Hough (Contributor)

Publication date: May 8, 2018

THE WORLD OF ALL SOULS: A COMPLETE GUIDE TO A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES, SHADOW OF NIGHT, AND THE BOOK OF LIFE is coming to the United States, Canada, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. The book will be released on 8 May 2018, but it is available from your favorite book retailer now.

From Deb’s website: “A few weeks ago, I shared the beautiful covers for the US and UK editions of the new, comprehensive, gorgeously illustrated, and chunky (nearly 600 pages!) compendium guide to the world of the All Souls Trilogy. I’m happy to report that the book is now available for preorder through your favorite local bookstore or online retailer.”

So, maybe next ... The Serpent’s Mirror by Deborah Harkness ... ? Stay tuned!

xo, ~The Daemons

Post by A. Hutter
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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Daemons Discuss - Podcast: Bonus Edition! | A General Review of Time's Convert

A UK/US edition end-page mash-up. *UK edition comes in three colors, blue/witch, red/vampire, yellow/daemon

Bonus Edition - The Trifecta

Description: It's been a couple of weeks since Time's Convert has come out, and we figured it was time to discuss this book. This is a general overview; chapters discussion deep-dives are to come once we get through the trilogy! WARNING: SPOILERS live on this episode. If you've not read this book yet, pushing "play" will be at your own risk. Enjoy!

SPOILER ALERT! We (The Daemons) approach this podcast with an assumption that the listener has read All Souls universe books, including the trilogy (A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night, The Book of Life), and  Time's Convert + snippits from The World of All Souls. If you haven't, and you don't mind, we certainly don't mind!  😊  Let's do this. *Note - this podcast is labeled 'explicit'

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YouTube (full episode)

1. Show notes:

For newcomers to the series:- We'll start with the basics: The books in discussion are A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night and The Book of Life.  Together they make The All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness.
- Our Daemon Guides to the All Souls Trilogy are available for download: ADOW, SON, TBOL

Deb's newsletter - The Blast; subscribe on her website
- If you'd like a ready-reference from the author herself, be sure to download the All Souls Real-Time Reading companion (free e-book at online booksellers via Penguin and Headline books).
- Deborah Harkness usually conducts a real-time reading on her Facebook Page (starting in September), and shares her posts across social media. Check out her website for all of her social media links, and of course all that she has to offer her readers! Be sure to sign up for her newsletter while you are there!
- To see what's available on the web as far as the All Souls universe fandom, check our links page.

In this episode: ⚠️WARNING! There are spoilers! We are chatting about Time's Convert, and doing a general review of the book and sharing our impressions of the some of the events and characters in contained it it. Chapter reviews will come when we get to this book!
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Don't forget . . . Ask a Daemon! It has to be a voicemail, a Speakpipe, or a voice memo. Rules as follows:
  • No, you can't get out of this by writing an email! We want to hear your voices! Do via Speakpipe, call us on voicemail (360) 519-7836, or email us your voice memo to DaemonsDiscuss (one word) at gmail (dot) com.
  • Keep your message short and tight - between 1 and 3 minutes, please! Val has enough of a time editing the three of us (as evidenced by this episode -- it's an adventure!).
  • Give us your name and where you are located -- just your first name is perfectly fine!
  • Ask us anything, or give us your All Souls story (how did you come to the books/TV show)
  • Deadline: 20 October 2018
Time's Convert Q&A with Deborah Harkness (courtesy of Viking Books)

Q: Once the All Souls Trilogy ended with THE BOOK OF LIFE, did you immediately have the idea to do a spinoff? How did that idea come about?

A: I knew I had many more stories to tell about the characters, but I wasn’t exactly sure how to tackle them. Marcus’s story was far more complicated than I imagined it to be, as it turned out. I had originally set out to write about Matthew’s time in Tudor England before 1590, but that also turned out to be more complicated than I imagined. So I worked on both of them at more or less the same time. TIME’S CONVERT just reached the finish line first.

Q: TIME’S CONVERT centers on Marcus and Phoebe, and Marcus’s life before he became a vampire. Did you think about Marcus’s origin story when you were writing the trilogy, or did everything come to you when you started writing this book?

A. I thought about Marcus’s origins all the time. It was impossible to think about Matthew as a character without delving into what kind of father he was, and considering what kind of son Marcus was. Even though in the trilogy Marcus and Phoebe tend to be characterized as “minor characters,” in my opinion there is no such thing. Every character I write has the same amount of backstory, the same amount of detailed thinking required, the same application of imagination to their individual problems as Matthew and Diana do.

Q: As a scholar and professor of history, your life has been about research. What kind of research did you do for TIME’S CONVERT? Was it different than the research you did for the trilogy?

A. The research for Time’s Convert was different in the sense that I couldn’t draw as much on research I’d already conducted for teaching and my scholarly books. I usually end my courses around 1750. Marcus wasn’t born until 1757. So I while I definitely knew something about the period I write about (roughly 1750 to 1810), I had a great deal to learn. Once I realized how much work I needed to do, I tackled it like any other scholarly research project: I read historical monographs written by experts; looked at lots of images and material objects; and steeped myself in the primary sources of the period. The title of the book, for example, comes from a line in Thomas Paine’s Common Sense—Marcus’s favorite book.

Q: What was the most fun part of writing TIME’S CONVERT? The most surprising?

A. The most fun part was being a student again and learning a lot more about eighteenth-century history than I did previously. The most surprising thing for me is how complicated the eighteenth century is. It’s very difficult to get an overall grasp of a particular moment because there are so many distinct voices that offer up different perspectives.

Q: Your first book, A Discovery of Witches, has been adapted into a TV series airing in the UK this fall. What has it been like seeing your book come to life on screen?

A. It’s been fascinating. The process of making television is very like the process of writing a book. You have to imagine all sorts of possibilities, go through multiple versions of the final version before you discover the one that works, and survive months of editing and revising. In the end you just have to cross your fingers and hope that you got more of it right than wrong.

Q: Are you able to tell us what you’re working on next?

A. Right now I’m working on recharging my creative batteries. This involves reading widely, listening to lots of music, and doing very normal, everyday activities like walking the dog, spending time with horses, cooking, and decluttering my house of the piles of stuff that grow to mammoth proportions when I am busy writing. I have a lot more ideas for stories from the All Souls universe, but I also have a number of other projects that I’d like to tackle, too. As always, whichever characters shout loudest get the bulk of my attention. I’ll be as eager as you are to see what develops next.

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Previous Episode
Take 44 - The One With the Revolutionary Rake

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Until next time...

Credits/Copyright Information * Intro music: "Ghost Dance" (edited down to second chorus) by Kevin Macleod, licensed for use by Creative Commons.
* News intro: by AwesomeMusicVideos21; provided for fair-use/royalty-free.
*  Outro music: Rimsky-Korsakov - "Scheherazade Symphonic Suite for Orchestra Op.35 - IV. Allegro molto," Public
* "Save it for the Show" segment introduction voiceover by Devyn Grendell  
* Cover art (+ all variations associated w/ it): © Daemons Domain 
* The term "unofficial" is explained in our disclaimer located in Terms of Use - item 14.
* The Daemons Discuss podcast is hosted and produced by the owners (Angela, Jean and Valerie) of Daemons Domain and can also be found by entering the url in your browser, (listed on the various podcast syndicates like iTunes, Stitcher, etc.) which will redirect you back to the parent site, Daemons Domain.
* This podcast is intended for personal download/consumption.  Please see our Terms of Use; item 3.

* Our episode titles are a loving tribute to the show "Friends" just 'cause we love Friends and - let's face it - it's easier! Here's how one of the show creators explains their reasoning:
Jeff Greenstein: "When Marta & David & Jeff & I did 'Dream On', we used to spend a lot of time thinking about titles, because they were on-screen at the top of each episode. On "Friends", we decided that was a waste of time. We figured, why not name each episode after the thing that people will ostensibly be talking about around the water-cooler the next day?"
This was a Daemon Production

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