Thanks to All Souls Pod and All Souls Con for teaming up with us to do this contest!
Included in this giveaway:
1 signed paperback copy of US edition of The Book of Life
1 Antenna witch Ball
1 Holographic TBOL Pin
1 "New Broom" Magnet
1 Audio Sample from Penguin Books
~ and...for a bit of whimsy...a copy of Em's recipe for Vanilla Vampire Walnuts!
Enter below!
Please read the terms/conditions at the bottom of this post.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*international* giveaway runs from *now* through 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time, Tuesday, June 30, 2015. The *one* winner in this INTERNATIONAL giveaway will receive the following:
1 x paperback copy of “The Book of Life” signed by the author, Deborah Harkness
1 x antenna witchball
1 x holographic TBOL pin
1 x “New Broom” magnet
1 x audio sample from Penguin Books
The recipe for Em’s Vampire Walnuts!
Entry/"point" accrual:
“Like" each of the hosts’ FB pages for 2 "points" (total of 6 possible points)
Follow each of the hosts on Twitter (@allsoulspod; @daemonsdomain; @allsoulscom) for 2 "points" (total of 6 possible points)
Tweet about the giveaway for an additional "point." (You may tweet once/day for an additional "point.")
( uses the term "point" for "entry.")
The winner will be announced within 24 hours of the close of the giveaway.
Good luck!
Disclaimer: This giveaway is in no way affiliated with Penguin Books.