
Sometimes the graphics Daemon gets a little restless and just plays with her toys.  We figured we'd dedicate a page to it.  Strictly AST items here, and some were made for our other project, but they are totally appropriate to post here.  If you have followed some of our other Pinterest boards in the past, you'll recognize some of them.  Please see our Terms of Use, items 4 & 5

Download desktop/mobile wallpapers + movie poster here (terms on the post)

Happy Birthday, Matthew Clairmont!

Happy Birthday, Diana!

From the post "Countdown to AllSoulsCon"

See the post that goes with the above here---> 'Examining the Case of the Magpie'

The Countess's Shoe.

Corra misbehaves!  We did make a version that has the uncensored word...for giggles.  And btw, the daemon that made this, had the "naughty alliteration" inscribed in her copy of The Book of Life.  Yes she did. :-)

Text from Matthew

Text from Matthew
Text from Diana

Sarah's license plate (It's what the NY DMV would've issued to her in 2010)

Timothy's Topiary

The Bishop-Clairmont Scion image
Please see our Terms of Use, items 4 & 5

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