Thursday, January 23, 2020

Daemons Discuss - Podcast: Take 62! | Chapter Discussion about the All Souls Trilogy; Chapter 36 of Shadow of Night

An adulterated portion of The Rake's Progress, by William Hogarth (1697-1764).  Plate VIII "Scene in Bedlam," engraved by H. Fernell

Take 62 - The One With "Who's You're Daddy?"

Description: With an urgent need to save her tormentors from Matthew's wrath, Diana finds herself guided by Father Hubbard to Bedlam. This dark, dank space for unwanted creatures is where Matthew ultimately decided to interrogate (and torture ๐Ÿ˜ฑ) Christopher Marlowe and Louisa de Clermont. Matthew is eventually talked down from the tree, deals are made, and they go on with life with the understanding that it's time to go back to their present -- BUT -- not just yet, Ms. Bishop! Shadow of Night is decidedly about the fathers. It's time to face hers.

SPOILER ALERT! We (The Daemons) approach this podcast with an assumption that the listener has read All Souls universe books, including the trilogy (A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night, The Book of Life), and  Time's Convert + snippits from The World of All Souls. If you haven't, and you don't mind, we certainly don't mind!  Please be advised, we will approach the television series (A Discovery of Witches) the same way as episodes are released in the US/Canada. ๐Ÿ˜Š  Let's do this. *Note - this podcast is labeled 'explicit'

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1. Show notes:

For newcomers to the series:
  • Our Daemon Guides to the All Souls Trilogy are available for download: ADOW, SON, TBOL 
  • If you'd like a ready-reference from the author herself, be sure to download the All Souls Real-Time Reading companion (free e-book at online booksellers via Penguin and Headline books). For a more in-depth view of the trilogy, The World of All Souls is available at all major book sellers, as well as the continuation volume into this world, Time's Convert.
  • Deborah Harkness usually conducts a real-time reading on her Facebook Page (starting in September), and shares her posts across social media. Check out her website for all of her social media links, and of course all that she has to offer her readers! Be sure to sign up for her newsletter while you are there!
  • To see what's available on the web as far as the All Souls universe fandom, check our links page.
BEDLAM!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
In this episode:
By the segment . . .
  • (00:00) ๐ŸŽ‰ Happy New Year + updates! Associated links below . . .
  • (02:08) Intro/Patreon sponsorship
  • (04:25) Discusser emails/Speakpipe - Thank you, Samantha, Indigo, and Suzanne + STEPHEN!
  • (13:50) Main discussion - see topic below - Sponsored by Briana Houston
  • (46:39) Housekeeping - Thank you Karin in Israel (podcast reviewer-we didn’t pay her, we promise), Zoe & Suzanne! Sponsored by Cynthia Poch
  • (59:27) Save It For the Show - Topic: Random Fandom Bits! Sponsored by Patricia Brophy
  • (1:09:35) Promo break - scroll down, or click here to get a hold of us and/or become a Discusser -- information on joining our Facebook group also located on that page. Those of you with US numbers can text ADOW to 444999 to become a Discusser. 
  • (1:11:01) Last thoughts/Outro.
Chapter 36, Shadow of Night
  • Sometimes that happens—you go grocery shopping and random vampires stop you! Father Hubbard has words for Diana. Let’s examine this, shall we? Could it be her hot messy husband has started some sh*t?! SURPRISE! 
  • Hubbard knows! GASP? Did someone tell him? Could he smell it?
  • Matthew’s been trying to save witches! He’s also been making a mess ... ๐Ÿคจ
  • Matthew had his bases covered (or he thought he did. Hmmm.)
  • Christopher and Louisa are in Bedlam — being interrogated … by Matthew. An angry, blood-rage fueled Matthew. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ
  • Hubbard’s son, Amen Corner was offered to be a tour guide, but Hubbard accompanied her instead (if you insist, Diana). 
  • Deb’s writings of this place is very descriptive — very oubliette-like! 
  • Gallowglass is there, as always
  • Lousia’s nails had been trimmed — like a stray cat ! ๐Ÿ˜พ
  • Angela’s ARC alternate reading experience! We love it !
  • Matthew has done this before . . .  YIKES! ๐Ÿง›๐Ÿป‍♂️
  • Kit’s a lump on the floor, Louisa is chains! ⛓
  • Diana is offered a knife to protect herself . . . she declines. 
  • Louisa is essentially being tortured. ๐Ÿ˜ณ
  • We discuss whether we’d accept the knife to protect ourselves from our partners. Hmm…. 
  • The word "lover" is apparently frowned upon in this establishment! ๐Ÿฅฐ
  • The art of using guilt as a tool! 
  • The guilt works … eventually!
  • We believe Philippe’s Matthew Management 101 course was quite helpful to Diana.
  • Louisa and her request to Diana … DENIED! Sorry, gurl!
  • We all know what happened to Louisa after this . . .  ☠️
  • “I care not what happens to himOOF! That hurts. ๐Ÿš‘
  • Deals have been made. Life goes on… a cloud started following Matthew and Diana … ☁︎
  • The story-crafting begins for 16th century Matthew's consumption.
  • Emily kind of left some stuff out with her explanation of traveling back in time . . . 
  • Chamomile, oak leaves, coffee . . . 
  • “Fancy meeting you here…” 
  • FIN 
  • A serenade by Angela! We DO have the license for that Karaoke music! ๐ŸŽถ
Special Thanks:
  • Thank you to our Patron sponsors this episode: Briana Houston, Cynthia Poch &
    Patricia Brophy
  • Special thanks . . . to all of our patrons; those of you who just joined us, and our veterans. Bless! To become a patron all you need to do is visit us at and become a member. See what level tier you'd like to join us! All tier levels will receive access to our exclusive Daemons Discuss! The Aftershow podcast.
Informational links:
๐Ÿ—ฃ To join our private, listener-only Facebook group, apply here → Join Daemonic Discussers The "word" is "F*cking Firedrake"

๐Ÿ“š  To see/hear all of our chapter reviews, check out this list: Chapter Review Episodes

๐Ÿ“บ  TV show reviews? Go here A Discovery of Witches TV Reviews

๐ŸŽง  To check out all of our episodes go here: Daemons Discuss! Full Episode List

๐Ÿ› Get your Daemon gear here →

Previous Episode
Holiday Episode - Christmas 2019

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Thanks for listening!
Until next time...

Credits/Copyright Information * Intro music: "Ghost Dance" (edited down to second chorus) by Kevin Macleod, licensed for use by Creative Commons.
*  Outro music: Rimsky-Korsakov - "Scheherazade Symphonic Suite for Orchestra Op.35 - IV. Allegro molto," Public domain/copyright-free.  
* All other music used is licensed via several different royalty-free sources (as are sound effects).
* "Save it for the Show" segment introduction voice-over by Devyn Grendell  
* Cover art (+ all variations associated w/ it): © Daemons Domain 
* The term "unofficial" is explained in our disclaimer located in Terms of Use - item 14.
* The Daemons Discuss podcast is hosted and produced by the owners (Angela, Jean and Valerie) of Daemons Domain and can also be found by entering the url in your browser, (listed on the various podcast syndicates like iTunes, Stitcher, etc.) which will redirect you back to the parent site, Daemons Domain.
* This podcast is intended for personal download/consumption.  Please see our Terms of Use; item 3.

* FTC: Our podcast episodes are solely sponsored by listeners via Patreon.
* Our episode titles are a loving tribute to the show "Friends" just 'cause we love Friends and - let's face it - it's easier! Here's how one of the show creators explains their reasoning:
Jeff Greenstein: "When Marta & David & Jeff & I did 'Dream On', we used to spend a lot of time thinking about titles, because they were on-screen at the top of each episode. On "Friends", we decided that was a waste of time. We figured, why not name each episode after the thing that people will ostensibly be talking about around the water-cooler the next day?"
This was a Daemon Production

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Friday, January 10, 2020

A Discovery of Witches TV News - The Run-Up to Series 2

Gasp, swoon, die, melt -- and all that jazz! Sneak peek from SkyOne
And it begins ... the run-up to series/season 2 of A Discovery of Witches! As we did last year, we'll add to this page slowly and update as we go! Ok, sooooo....this page hasn't been done in a while, but we're in the process -- also, we had to put it back up front. Our site was starting to look like a neglected house with the Christmas decorations still up in March! More soon!

ICYMI - here is the run-up to season 1 from last year: 2018 A Discovery of Witches TV Run-up

Casting for S2 (so far):
Adelle Leonce - Phoebe Taylor
Tom Hughes - (Kit Marlowe -- announced at All Souls Con -- see announcement)
James Purefoy - Philippe
Stephen Cree - Gallowglass
Milo Twomey - Pierre
Holly Aird - Franรงoise
Adam Sklar - Henry Percy
Michael Lindall - Sir Walter Raleigh
Elaine Cassidy - Louisa
Sheila Hancock - Goody Alsop
Lois Chimimba - Catherine Streeter
Victoria Yeates - Elizabeth Jackson
Amy McAllister - Marjorie Cooper
Paul Rhys - Father Hubbard
Barbara Marten - Queen Elizabeth I
Adrian Rawlins - William Cecil
Jacob Ifan - Bejamin Fuchs
Joshua Pickering - Jack Blackfriers


Here are the small details we have coming up for Series 2 so far (via tweets, IG posts and FB live from Deb, A Discovery of Witches TV and other outlets):

Season 2 filming has begun!

New Director!
Tweet from Adelle Leonce (Phoebe!)

According to Deb in this FB live, filming will begin in June → Facebook Live

A post shared by Deborah Harkness (@debharkness) on

Moments we've gotten glimpses of:

A first glimpse of Marcus and Phoebe together (at last!) From SkyOne FB post
Don't miss these things:

Here's who to follow (these are the accounts that share the most so far):
xo, ~The Daemons

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