Thursday, November 29, 2018

Daemons Discuss - Podcast: Take 47! | Let's Chat about All Souls Con 2019 and A Discovery of Witches (feat. Laura Ventura)

Cardiff, Wales - the location of Bad Wolf Studios and the location of All Souls Con 2019

Take 47 - The One With Fake Angela

Description: All Souls Con 2019 is coming sooner than we think! As is our tradition (since the beginning of this podcast), we invited Laura Ventura (co-director of All Souls Con) on to talk about it. As fate would have it, Angela was unable to record that day, so Laura graciously agreed to join us as our third. This episode can only be described as fans being fanatics! We cover the Cardiff premiere of A Discovery of Witches, and what Laura can reveal about All Souls Con. We indulge ourselves a little in this period of relative calm, while we anticipate the incoming fandom storm.

Chapter episodes will resume next year after our TV coverage! This is the penultimate episode of 2018.

SPOILER ALERT! We (The Daemons) approach this podcast with an assumption that the listener has read All Souls universe books, including the trilogy (A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night, The Book of Life), and  Time's Convert + snippits from The World of All Souls. If you haven't, and you don't mind, we certainly don't mind!  Please be advised, we will approach the television series (A Discovery of Witches) the same way when it is released in the US/Canada. 😊  Let's do this. *Note - this podcast is labeled 'explicit'

Find Daemons Discuss:  Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | iHeartRadio | Spotify | RSS | + More!


Download .Mp3 of this episode

1. Show notes:

For newcomers to the series:
  • Our Daemon Guides to the All Souls Trilogy are available for download: ADOW, SON, TBOL 
  • If you'd like a ready-reference from the author herself, be sure to download the All Souls Real-Time Reading companion (free e-book at online booksellers via Penguin and Headline books). For a more in-depth view of the trilogy, The World of All Souls is available at all major book sellers, as well as the continuation volume into this world, Time's Convert.
  • Deborah Harkness usually conducts a real-time reading on her Facebook Page (starting in September), and shares her posts across social media. Check out her website for all of her social media links, and of course all that she has to offer her readers! Be sure to sign up for her newsletter while you are there!
  • To see what's available on the web as far as the All Souls universe fandom, check our links page.
The National Museum Cardiff is where All Souls Con 2019 will be held
In this episode:
  • Laura tells us about her Cardiff experience
  • She was especially impressed with Jane Trantor
  • Sarah and Em are in good hands with Alex Kingston and Valarie Pettiford
  • Greg McHugh - who plays Hamish - got ambushed in an elevator
  • Laura's Oxford mission was to look at 3 potential locations
  • She discusses the Spellbound Exhibit presented by the Ashmolian Museum
  • All Souls Con will be held at the National Museum Cardiff
  • There will be seat selection for attendees
  • The Alumni discussion: Laura feels that this is a small gesture to thank alumni for their ongoing support of All Souls Con.
  • DON'T PANIC! If you plan to go, buy/book EARLY. Keep an eye out on All Souls Con's social media to see when tickets go on sale.
  • On the All Souls Con Attendee group, there are all sorts of information on travel deals
  • All Souls Con is working with Visit Cardiff - there will be a discount for Great Western Railways + Hotel discounts.
  • We discuss electronic device needs while in the UK (info for Americans who need guidance), currency exchange/transportation/jargon differences/driving in the UK (not for the squeamish!)
  • Two confirmed speakers so far: Shelli Carter & Stephanie McGucken.
  • Deadline for for fan-panel submissions is December 31st, 2018
  • We are doing a break-out session for All Souls Con: stay tuned! We're playing with a few ideas
  • To date, All Souls Con has donated $21,000 to charity
  • They will put together a location guide for potential attendees
  • Audio postcards from the premiere: thank you Greg McHugh (Hamish Osbourne), Discusser Belia, Claire Baldwin, Caitlyn from Headline, Candy, Discusser In Chief, Stephen + wife, Yvonne. Big hugs and thanks to Laura and Karen for putting that together for us!
Housekeeping: Thanks goes to WontGiveMeANickname & Krystal for your review & email!

Save It For The Show - Topic: The Calm before the Storm. Get ready! Sign up for Sundance Now and Shudder! Promo Codes listed below! Giveaways, auctions, countdowns, oh my!

Last thoughts: Laura talks about how podcasts have been saving her sanity in between Cons. Jean reminds us that 2019 is going to be a year of daemonosity, because it's the only way we'll survive. Valerie reminds US and Canadian listeners sign up for their streaming service of choice (Shudder or Sundance Now).
  • Special thanks . . .
    This podcast is brought to you by our Patrons! To become a patron all you need to do is visit us at and become a member. See what level tier you'd like to join us! All tier levels will receive access to our exclusive Daemons Discuss! The Aftershow podcast.
  • Thank you to our Patron sponsors:  Linda Zipp (main discussion), Lyn Serano  (housekeeping), and Shanon Rodriguez (Save It For The Show)! 
  • Thanks goes to our Discussers: Krystal + our iTunes/Apple podcast reviewer, WontGiveMeANickname 
According to Laura, Alex's eyes can look into your soul! Up close, we see what she's talking about!
Here are some pictures that Laura sent over from her Cardiff/Oxford adventures - these are props from A Discovery of Witches displayed at the Ashmolian Museum:

 Links pertinent to the episode: 

πŸŒžπŸŒ›πŸŒŸ To join our private, listener-only Facebook group, go here → Join Daemonic Discussers The "word" is "F*cking Firedrake"

πŸŒžπŸŒ›πŸŒŸ  To see/hear all of our chapter reviews, check out this list: Chapter Review Episodes

πŸŒžπŸŒ›πŸŒŸ  To check out all of our episodes go here: Daemons Discuss! Full Episode List

Previous Episode
Take 46 - The One With the Daughter of the Moon

2.  Help us out!

If you enjoyed this episode, and would like to give us some support, here's what you can do:

    a. Subscribe to us: Apple Podcasts, Google Play and/or Stitcher & many more places!
    b. Rate & leave us a review in Apple Podcasts! Do it on your phone, or do it on your computer
    c. Consider supporting us on Patreon; extra episodes + more!

Our patrons help keep us going!

3. Your Feedback:

There are many ways to contact us with feedback:

Social Media: Comment on our Facebook page or you can touch base with us on Twitter & Instagram -- we are @DaemonsDomain or @DaemonsDiscuss (same Daemons!) with your comments. Oh, and if you like what you hear, follow us too!

Leave us a voicemail: There are two ways:
A. Call us at 1 (360) 519-7836 - Tell us your first name, and your message. Recording will shut off after 3 minutes. * Note - This is a U.S. number.  International rates may apply when dialing out of country. Your message may be used in an episode; messages are subject to editing for clarity and brevity.

B. Use the SpeakPipe widget below ⬇️ *Note - you'll have 90 seconds before the recording ends. Your message may be used in an episode; messages are subject to editing for clarity and brevity.

Email us directly:  DaemonsDiscuss (one word) at gmail (dot) com.

Contact us using this form below: Please make sure to let us know if it's OK to read your email (or a portion of it) on future episodes. If not, that's perfectly fine, too. Just let us know! Also, if you sign up for our "Discuss" email list we may send you the subject matter of a future podcast ahead of time - this way your inputs may even get included while we record!

Feedback for Daemons Discuss Episode
Questions marked by * are required.
1. Name: *
2. Email: *
3. Add you to our "Discuss" email list? You'll be the first to know about upcoming episodes - we'll have your input before we record!
  • Yes
  • No
4. Can we read your name on a future episode?
  • Yes
  • No
  • First name only
5. Input, questions or comments about *this* episode?

Thanks for listening!
Until next time...

Credits/Copyright Information * Intro music: "Ghost Dance" (edited down to second chorus) by Kevin Macleod, licensed for use by Creative Commons.
* News intro: by AwesomeMusicVideos21; provided for fair-use/royalty-free.
*  Outro music: Rimsky-Korsakov - "Scheherazade Symphonic Suite for Orchestra Op.35 - IV. Allegro molto," Public
* "Save it for the Show" segment introduction voiceover by Devyn Grendell  
* Cover art (+ all variations associated w/ it): © Daemons Domain 
* The term "unofficial" is explained in our disclaimer located in Terms of Use - item 14.
* The Daemons Discuss podcast is hosted and produced by the owners (Angela, Jean and Valerie) of Daemons Domain and can also be found by entering the url in your browser, (listed on the various podcast syndicates like iTunes, Stitcher, etc.) which will redirect you back to the parent site, Daemons Domain.
* This podcast is intended for personal download/consumption.  Please see our Terms of Use; item 3.

* Our episode titles are a loving tribute to the show "Friends" just 'cause we love Friends and - let's face it - it's easier! Here's how one of the show creators explains their reasoning:
Jeff Greenstein: "When Marta & David & Jeff & I did 'Dream On', we used to spend a lot of time thinking about titles, because they were on-screen at the top of each episode. On "Friends", we decided that was a waste of time. We figured, why not name each episode after the thing that people will ostensibly be talking about around the water-cooler the next day?"
This was a Daemon Production

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Friday, November 23, 2018

Black Friday Giveaway!

Because it's Black Friday . . . and giveaways are one of our favorite things!
'Black is the badge of hell, the hue of dungeons, and the school of night' -- or you can go with the version by Kit, in Shadow of Night: Black is the badge of true love lost. The hue of daemons, And the Shadow of Night.

Yes, this giveaway opens on traditional "Black Friday." The whole history behind the name is kind of muddled. After researching a bit, we found out that the term, Black Friday, started with the Philadelphia police department, however, today's retailers ran with that negative connotation and flipped it on its head.

Black Friday in its current form ignites the response: "It's time to shop!" Indeed, it is. But for us, it's time to brace ourselves for the incoming holiday season + the premiere of A Discovery of Witches TV in the US and Canada! We tend to cope with general fandom mayhem by holding giveaways. It's good karma for our black souls, and a nice balm to soothe the soul of a hungry fandom!

Desktop Wallpaper (download available on
This offering comes from us, and our good friends over at All Souls Con! The theme for the giveaway is "black". Each of the items are black or packaged in black! πŸ€” Except for Shadow of Night ... we are throwing that in because of the 'Black is the badge...' stuff. Also, for you lucky people that got to watch the show already -- (psst!) -- this book is about SEASON 2! Shhh! It's our secret πŸ€«πŸ˜‰.

This is a perfect time to remind all of our US and Canadian followers that we will be getting the TV show really soon in our section of the Americas! Yay! On the 17th of January 2019 via Sundance Now and Shudder, you will be able to watch (or binge) A Discovery of Witches! Also, here's an additional bonus to future subscribers - if you sign up (to either) using our promo code LADYDAEMONS you'll get 30 days of free viewing! But we digress. Back to the subject at hand . . .

Up for grabs (click linked prizes for a close up): 
From Daemons Domain:
From All Souls Con
Read the terms and conditions at the bottom, and ENTER below! As usual, we've provided several ways to enter, including fandom trivia, social media follows, and of course you can tweet about this daily (do one, some, or all)! This giveaway will run for 10 days; Tweeters, maximize your chances! Yes, this is international! We will ship it to wherever the winner resides.

Update! 13 December 2018 - Congratulations, Lauren!

xo, ~The Daemons

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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Fall 2018 Giveaway!

We'll find any excuse for a good giveaway!
We love celebrating holidays, but as much as the retail marketers tell us that it's time for Santa, we say wait a minute! SLOW DOWN! For us here in the US, we have still have one of our favorite stuff-your-face holidays to look forward to! American Thanksgiving! And what better way to honor it, but by offering a cookbook containing early-American recipes (co-authored and illustrated by a big All Souls fan; she designed the ASC 2017 badge), and the book telling us about our favorite early-American vampire? Since we are feeling so revolutionary, we are going to make this an international giveaway. Not so traitorous, after all -- eh, England? 😏

Up for grabs: 
  1. A Thyme to Discover -- Here's the write-up on A Thyme to Discover: Revive your inner pilgrim and master the art of colonial cooking with sixty recipes celebrating America's earliest days!

    From their voyage on the Mayflower to the days of the American Revolution, early American settlers struggled to survive in the New World. Join us as we travel through time and discover how our forefathers fed their families and grew a nation, from eating nuts and berries to preparing fantastic feasts of seafood and venison, and learn how you can cook like them, too!

    With gorgeous and whimsical hand-drawn illustrations from beginning to end, A Thyme to Discover, spanning the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, is an illustrated historical cookbook for foodies, history buffs, and Americans alike. Cohen and Graves reimagine old original colonial recipes from pilgrims, presidents, and Native Americans, and modify them to suit modern palates and tastes. Arranged chronologically as the English settlers cooked and ate their way into becoming Americans, these deliciously historical recipes include:

    * The First Thanksgiving, 1621: "Venison over Wild Rice Cakes" and "Pumpkin Pudding with Rum Sauce" *Alexander Hamilton's "Beef Stew with Apple Brandy" and Abraham Lincoln's "Chicken Fricasee" * Rhode Island's "Bacon-Kissed Clam Cakes" and Massachusett's "Chowdahhhhh" * Forefather's Day, 1749: "Sufferin' Succcotash with Buttered Lobster" * Jim Beam's "Bourbon Oatmeal Raisin Cookies"
  2.  And, yes! We're throwing in a 1st edition US hardcover of Time's Convert, too!
UPDATE - 10 Dec 2018: Congratulations, Michelle!

 xo, ~The Daemons

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Thursday, November 8, 2018

Daemons Discuss - Podcast: Take 46! | Chapter Discussion about the All Souls Trilogy; Chapter 22 of Shadow of Night

The moon phases from maiden to mother to crone.

Take 46 - The One With the Daughter of the Moon

Description: SON ch 22
This chapter is so jam-packed with different story lines, that we had no clue what to name it! There's the Rede, and Diana's new little gathering of witches that will help her with her magic. There's Jack Blackfriars, and everything that goes with taking him on as an additional household member. There's Father Hubbard; he's come a-callin' and Diana and Matthew remain quite wary of him. There's some science, between Gregor Mendel and Mary Sidney, we wind up like the kids with blank stares on their faces mentioned in this chapter! There's also a huge loss. OH! And there is real-life breaking news in the middle of the episode! Please enjoy -- prepare to take it in shifts. It's a long one!

SPOILER ALERT! We (The Daemons) approach this podcast with an assumption that the listener has read All Souls universe books, including the trilogy (A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night, The Book of Life), and  Time's Convert + snippits from The World of All Souls. If you haven't, and you don't mind, we certainly don't mind!  Please be advised, we will approach the television series (A Discovery of Witches) the same way when it is released in the US/Canada. 😊  Let's do this. *Note - this podcast is labeled 'explicit'

Find Daemons Discuss:  Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | iHeartRadio | Spotify | RSS | + More!


Download .Mp3 of this episode

1. Show notes:

For newcomers to the series:
  • Our Daemon Guides to the All Souls Trilogy are available for download: ADOW, SON, TBOL 
  • If you'd like a ready-reference from the author herself, be sure to download the All Souls Real-Time Reading companion (free e-book at online booksellers via Penguin and Headline books). For a more in-depth view of the trilogy, The World of All Souls is available at all major book sellers, as well as the continuation volume into this world, Time's Convert.
  • Deborah Harkness usually conducts a real-time reading on her Facebook Page (starting in September), and shares her posts across social media. Check out her website for all of her social media links, and of course all that she has to offer her readers! Be sure to sign up for her newsletter while you are there!
  • To see what's available on the web as far as the All Souls universe fandom, check our links page.

The arbor Dianæ
In this episode:
  • FIRST THINGS FIRST! US and Canadian listeners! We have a promo code for you to sign up to Shudder and Sundance/Now. Information below, under pertinent links! 
  • Time to meet with the Rede! We meet authentic fire, water and wind witches as they assess Diana's powers prior to Goody taking her on as a student.
  • We meet Jack!
  • We talk about child rearing (we think Matthew is a bit judgy, re: bribing children).
  • Father Hubbard checks in.
  • We do a little bit of x's and o's -- the sciency kind.
  • We visit with Mary.
  • We mourn a loss.
Housekeeping: Thanks Lyn, Alicia & LostIsGreat for your emails and review!

Save It For The Show - Topic: Consent is consent. Get consent from content creators before borrowing/using/STEALING work! We discuss copyright issues and misunderstandings when it comes to fandom.

Last thoughts: Jean talks about her book signing in Austin - she asked Deb some questions, but CLIFFHANGER! Maybe we'll hear more? Valerie is still droning on about our Facebook group (links below!)
  • Special thanks . . .
    This podcast is brought to you by our Patrons! To become a patron all you need to do is visit us at and become a member. See what level tier you'd like to join us! All tier levels will receive access to our exclusive Daemons Discuss! The Aftershow podcast.
  • Thank you to our Patron sponsors:  Lyn Serano (chapter discussion), Linda Zipp  (housekeeping), and Lisa Slack (Save It For The Show)! 
  • Thanks goes to our Discussers: Alicia, Lyn and our iTunes/Apple podcast reviewer, LostisGreat!

The Spanish Armada - Goody's alleged handiwork! Artist unknown/16th Century
Links pertinent to the episode: 

πŸŒžπŸŒ›πŸŒŸ To join our private, listener-only Facebook group, apply here → Join Daemonic Discussers The "word" is "F*cking Firedrake"

πŸŒžπŸŒ›πŸŒŸ  To see/hear all of our chapter reviews, check out this list: Chapter Review Episodes

πŸŒžπŸŒ›πŸŒŸ  To check out all of our episodes go here: Daemons Discuss! Full Episode List

Previous Episode
Take 45 - The One With the Entrance Exam

2.  Help us out!

If you enjoyed this episode, and would like to give us some support, here's what you can do:

    a. Subscribe to us: Apple Podcasts, Google Play and/or Stitcher & many more places!
    b. Rate & leave us a review in Apple Podcasts! Do it on your phone, or do it on your computer
    c. Consider supporting us on Patreon; extra episodes + more!

Our patrons help keep us going!

3. Your Feedback:

There are many ways to contact us with feedback:

Social Media: Comment on our Facebook page or you can touch base with us on Twitter & Instagram -- we are @DaemonsDomain or @DaemonsDiscuss (same Daemons!) with your comments. Oh, and if you like what you hear, follow us too!

Leave us a voicemail: There are two ways:
A. Call us at 1 (360) 519-7836 - Tell us your first name, and your message. Recording will shut off after 3 minutes. * Note - This is a U.S. number.  International rates may apply when dialing out of country. Your message may be used in an episode; messages are subject to editing for clarity and brevity.

B. Use the SpeakPipe widget below ⬇️ *Note - you'll have 90 seconds before the recording ends. Your message may be used in an episode; messages are subject to editing for clarity and brevity.

Email us directly:  DaemonsDiscuss (one word) at gmail (dot) com.

Contact us using this form below: Please make sure to let us know if it's OK to read your email (or a portion of it) on future episodes. If not, that's perfectly fine, too. Just let us know! Also, if you sign up for our "Discuss" email list we may send you the subject matter of a future podcast ahead of time - this way your inputs may even get included while we record!

Feedback for Daemons Discuss Episode
Questions marked by * are required.
1. Name: *
2. Email: *
3. Add you to our "Discuss" email list? You'll be the first to know about upcoming episodes - we'll have your input before we record!
  • Yes
  • No
4. Can we read your name on a future episode?
  • Yes
  • No
  • First name only
5. Input, questions or comments about *this* episode?

Thanks for listening!
Until next time...

Credits/Copyright Information * Intro music: "Ghost Dance" (edited down to second chorus) by Kevin Macleod, licensed for use by Creative Commons.
* News intro: by AwesomeMusicVideos21; provided for fair-use/royalty-free.
*  Outro music: Rimsky-Korsakov - "Scheherazade Symphonic Suite for Orchestra Op.35 - IV. Allegro molto," Public
* "Save it for the Show" segment introduction voiceover by Devyn Grendell  
* Cover art (+ all variations associated w/ it): © Daemons Domain 
* The term "unofficial" is explained in our disclaimer located in Terms of Use - item 14.
* The Daemons Discuss podcast is hosted and produced by the owners (Angela, Jean and Valerie) of Daemons Domain and can also be found by entering the url in your browser, (listed on the various podcast syndicates like iTunes, Stitcher, etc.) which will redirect you back to the parent site, Daemons Domain.
* This podcast is intended for personal download/consumption.  Please see our Terms of Use; item 3.

* Our episode titles are a loving tribute to the show "Friends" just 'cause we love Friends and - let's face it - it's easier! Here's how one of the show creators explains their reasoning:
Jeff Greenstein: "When Marta & David & Jeff & I did 'Dream On', we used to spend a lot of time thinking about titles, because they were on-screen at the top of each episode. On "Friends", we decided that was a waste of time. We figured, why not name each episode after the thing that people will ostensibly be talking about around the water-cooler the next day?"
This was a Daemon Production

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Friday, November 2, 2018

Happy Birthday, Matthew Clairmont!

Happy Birthday, Matthew!
It's that time of year! Matthew Clairmont was born on All Souls day, and we're celebrating with a Matthew Goode version of a previous project we constructed years ago. As he's won our hearts as Matthew Clairmont, what else could we do but give this man his very own chair in our creepy fictional backdrop! We use it whenever we can, because it was a lot of work intially putting it together! You'll notice the same scene was used in this year's Halloween Giveaway. We truly love this scene because it seems to go along with the spooky "human myths" we hear Matthew go on about! We kept Speke Hall as a nod to the inspiration of the 'Old Lodge' in the books, and we staged Matthew Goode as our "Shadowed Prince" smack-dab in the middle of it -- c'mon, we've got time on our hands! We're waiting on the show to come to the US, ok? 😝

Today is also the A Discovery of Witches series-ender for SkyOne and NowTV in the UK, so to help those viewers bereft from the loss of weekly Matthew goodness, we've made these images so you can take Matthew with you until -- cross fingers -- a second season! The rest of us can have something to hold on to until we get the TV show! The images displayed here on this page are optimized for the web, and won't look the greatest on your devices. We have the download links at the bottom of this post of the full images for you to use.

Desktop Wallpaper:

Mobile Wallpaper:

A full-sized movie-style poster that you can take to your favorite printing center (Kinko's, Staples, Mailboxes etc, ...) and have him brood over you in your home or office!

OK, guys, now for the legal(ish) stuff: with these images, we ask that you don't edit them and/or republish the edits on social media -- or anywhere, really! You are allowed to share the images as shown. Also, (this is HUGE) please do not put them on any item to sell (t-shirts, stickers, signs, posters, labeling, an add-on to theme packages, etc.).

Basically, don't use them for anything other than what we intended them for. They are for personal download/consumption ONLY. We don't want trouble with the studio, and you probably don't want trouble with us.

YAY! Now that that's been established, here are your download links:

Download these images here:

xo, ~The Daemons

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