Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Deb Update: On Owning Her Circus . . .

Picture from Deb's Facebook page... "The View from My Desk"...

TV news, website news (we dig the font used for the preview!  Cinzel Decorative is a great choice!  We use it - scroll up & check our banner - stamp of approval!), Serpent's Mirror News and more...
Deborah Harkness
The View from My Desk: Owning My Circus, Loving My Monkeys

"Hello everybody! Welcome to the chaos that is the beginning of the semester at USC, the heating up of all things televisual, the pressure of writing deadlines, our new 15-month-old Field Lab rescue puppy CC Baxter, the launching of my redesigned web site, and a little home renovation project. Swap out your particular details (back to school, problems with the boss, baby who won't sleep at night) and it sounds a bit"  ... [view entire post]
We love these updates from Deb, and we love archiving them.  It allows us to keep track of how everything is progressing!  Make sure you follow her on her social media venues so you don't miss out.  We'll continue to post these as she publishes them because we are information hoarders, after all.  :)

As summer creeps to a close, it's time for us to get our All Souls hats on and put our plans into play (we have our own little circus and overly-caffeinated monkeys to handle!  The Daemons have their hands full!).  We can't wait to share it all with you.  Hope you enjoy the end of your summers, and we'll see you guys on the other side of it! 

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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Happy Birthday, Diana!

It is officially the goddesses feast day; aka Diana Bishop's birthday!  All we can do is celebrate the day the best way we know how...Daemon style!

In Shadow of Night (by Deborah Harkness) we meet Corra, Diana's Firedrake.  Animated Happy Birthday Card to Diana Featuring Corra
A little Whimsy for Diana's day!
 We will choose our winner from the contest celebrating this day, shortly!  'Til next time. . .

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Monday, August 1, 2016

Giveaway: Happy Birthday, Diana!

Pictured above is what's for grabs--see details on the audiobook!
Happy Birthday, Diana Bishop!  It's not her birthday yet, but it will be soon (the Goddess' Feast Day is around the corner)!  As she's fictional, we are left with all of these birthday presents to give, and no one to give it to!  Well, of course that means we are having a giveaway (c'mon, followers...you know us by now!)

We have partnered up with AllSoulsCon as a giveaway co-sponsor!  If you are new to this fandom and are curious, be sure to check out the website (AllSoulsCon.org), and look around!  Tentatively, there's a plan for another event in 2017---we went to the one last year and had an absolutely wonderful time.  Based on all of the smiling faces we saw, many others did too!  Special thanks to Laura from AllSoulsCon for helping to make this giveaway special!

What we are giving away:

The Book of Life (US/paperback), signed by Deborah Harkness

☞ A choice of 1 of the All Souls Trilogy audio books from Audible* (Membership is free with a trial).  Choose The Book of Life to listen to as you read your paperback copy...or pick whichever one is your favorite!  Let your spirit guide you!

☞ An adorable small carry-all pouch (6" X 5") designed by A Little Leafy from Society6.  It depicts a witches hat and it says "Witch Please!"  ---> To die for, right?!

☞ A package of Diana's favorite brand of tea!  Artemis Tea by Mariage Frères

------CONTEST CLOSED!------

Update 8/18/16!  Prizes received!  Thanks for the picture, Debbie!  It made our day!  BTW, Debbie chose Shadow of Night for her Audible audio book!

Photo by Debbie Fluehr - Picture of her prize package!

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