. . . plus a disclaimer -- or two! This is in plain language, because we wanted to make the terms clear for all creatures reading. If you have legal questions concerning the content of Daemons Domain/Discuss, please contact us with "attn: Jean," in the subject line.
1. This site is owned/operated by The Daemons. All blog posts (combination of text and accompanying images) published are © Daemons Domain. They are not to be duplicated or quoted without proper citation plus a link to the site directed to a separate HTML page (plagiarism is a big NO). The content of this site is not to be contained within an another site with a different URL (ie; iframe, ad window, etc). This website (including images/media) is for your personal, non-commercial use only. All content is subject to change without notice, including link changes (pages moved to a different URL for efficiency), and content correction/deletion.
2. Promotional giveaways will have their own notices of terms/conditions listed with the text detailing the event. They are tailored specifically for our giveaways, drafted to cover our legal accountability, and subsequently, release others of liability. They are changed periodically to comply to the various, ever-changing social media network terms of service. They are not to be used for anything other than our giveaways. Basically, we didn't get them from a template. If you are in need of terms/conditions for a giveaway, please consult a legal professional.
3. Podcast ('Daemons Discuss!') episodes are for personal, non-commercial download/consumption only. All audio clips will have credits, copyright & license information located in the show notes of each episode, and embedded in the file itself (using Id3 tags). Portions of the audio may be used with permission depending on purpose or intention; contact us for further information.
4. The website contains material which is owned by or licensed to us. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice (these terms and conditions). Bottom line, if you'd like to use our images (not for profit), all it takes is writing for permission, and giving us credit by posting a link wherever you display it.
5. Original Images: all original images from this website are copyrighted as are all original works compiled in a unique arrangement using photographs or digital artwork. All of our photo-manipulations and digital images including animated .GIF files will be marked with either a unique stamp, or site URL. Image manipulation/cropping to remove the stamp or marking for republication is prohibited.
6. The following applies to sharing our images from this website on another website, Facebook, forums, or groups: publication of our original images are permitted provided that they are displayed with an accompanying link to our website (www.daemonsdomain.com). Images are to be downloaded, then uploaded to the appropriate server (or image hosting account) associated with website, or social media venue they are to be displayed on. Direct linking to any of our servers (including our image hosting accounts) is prohibited.
7. Images on our site displayed without citation, fall into the following categories: original works, copyright free, fair use (including transformative work), published with full permission of the original source, or licensed for our use. All images are published in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 512©(2).
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9. This website includes links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). We have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s). Upon review, a link to a website may be removed without notice (probable cause: dead website; the domain no longer exists).
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11. Any questions about any of our content or its use should be directed to us by using our contact form.
12. European Union (EU) laws require us to give EU visitors information about cookies used on our website/blog. In many cases, these laws also require us to obtain consent. Google has automatically added a notice to this blog to explain Google's use of certain Blogger and Google cookies, including use of Google Analytics and AdSense cookies, and other data collected by Google. For further information, consult the following webpage: EU Internet Handbook
13. Your privacy is, and will remain very important to us. Any collection of data (including email addresses) is on an "opt-in" basis only, and we will always provide you ways to "opt-out" of any lists/data collection. We will not spam you with information, nor will we give/sell your information to any other outlet. Subscribing to Daemons Domain posts will result in you receiving emails only when we have posted something new. It is an automated system (by FeedBurner), therefore there will be a link in the email updates to unsubscribe (on the bottom of the email). The email list for our podcast ('Daemons Discuss') is so we can let people who opt-in know the latest news and information on the podcast only. Be advised, if you decide to fill out our forms, IP addresses are automatically tracked so we can monitor fraud, abuse, and general
14. Disclaimer: We are an independent All Souls Trilogy/Universe fan-site (this includes the podcast), and are in no way affiliated with or connected to Deborah Harkness, Penguin Books, Headline Books, Viking Press, BadWolf, AMC Networks, BBC America or Penguin Randomhouse. The only connection we have to publishers/broadcasters of the series (for both series literature and the television show based on the literature) is for the purpose of book-release/TV show promotion activity including our reviews of Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs)/proofs/galleys/show screeners and publisher/broadcaster sponsored giveaways (when we hold promotional giveaways, we state sponsorship status in the terms/conditions of the giveaway, and specify which publisher has sponsored that particular event). We don't claim any official status when it comes to Ms. Harkness or her work, mainly because of that big ol' ownership issue -- last we checked, no one owns this site/podcast/operation but us, and we certainly don't own the rights to The All Souls Trilogy + its universe (including the television broadcast). It's as simple as that! We will directly quote the text of the books in the series, especially in the show-notes of our podcast chapter reads so that a listener can easily follow along; citation is implied by italics and the title of the page (which will include the chapter we are covering that episode). As an aside, the term "official" carries a bunch of legal baggage that we can't afford (especially since we produce a podcast), therefore we embrace the term "unofficial!" Hooray for independence! Ok, if we were to get technical about it, we are the official Daemons of Daemons Domain, this is our official website, and Daemons Discuss is our official podcast (which happens to be an unofficial podcast about the All Souls universe). There. That's where that "official" stuff ends. ๐ Moving on . . .
15. We partially fund our Daemon endeavors with Patreon memberships. FTC: Daemons Domain is a non-profit organization IRC 501(c)(7) - all proceeds made via Patreon are used solely to fund our podcast and fanzine operations. As much as we'd love to buy yachts and live that champagne and caviar life-style -- alas -- we have to maintain our day jobs (you know, roofs over our heads, food, clothing etc.). But, thank you for helping us fund this adventure of ours. ๐ We also produce an additional podcast exclusively for our patrons; the same terms/conditions apply as our public podcast -- with a notable exception -- no portion of this podcast can be used outside of Patreon membership. Daemons Discuss! The Aftershow episodes are strictly for our patron's personal, non-commercial download/consumption only. Any entity downloading, then republishing clips/full episodes for public consumption can expect swift action upon discovery.
16. In closing, thank you for taking the time to read all of the crazy-making, legal language we included here! Copyrights, disclaimers, and legal information are not the best topics, are they? We find it necessary to outline our terms in case there is a violation - we want to ensure that there is ample notice/information available in case we need to take action (we've had to in the past, unfortunately), or someone has questions about our sources and/or use of material. If we are honest, we started this site purely for fun, and figured that if it happens to be informative and entertaining, what a happy accident! Us keeping it fun has always been the primary goal of this adventure we find ourselves on. With that in mind, hopefully the only reason you are viewing this page is out of pure curiosity, you clicked here by mistake, or maybe you sincerely had a question about our content. Receiving a link to this page in a very strongly worded email would be pretty jarring, and the worst scenario, considering one of our Daemons happens to be a lawyer (yikes!) Despite the seemingly cold language used above (we promise, it's nothing personal), we truly hope you enjoy your visit! ~Angela, Jean & Valerie - aka "The Daemons" ๐
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