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For Daemons Discuss:
Daemons Discuss is our podcast! It's part of Daemons Domain as a whole; it covers the same subject matter in a ridiculously randomized way, just like we do on the site. Think of it as a supplement to Daemons Domain! The Daemons have a lazy web developer An entirely new site for it didn't make a lot of sense. It is unique in a way that there are very different ways to subscribe to it. Listen to us however you like to listen to your podcast shows! If you have a favorite app for a mobile device, you can find us on it! If you are new to podcasts, let us help you out:
Podcast home: HERE
(You can always go directly to our podcast page by typing "www.DaemonsDiscuss.com" in your browser -- less clicking!)
All episodes: HERE
You can subscribe to the podcast using Apple, Android & other devices:
Apple Podcasts
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Ways to Listen/Subscribe/Follow
Windows and other mobile devices . . . we have alternatives! To see ALL of the ways to subscribe to us visit --> Ways to Listen/Subscribe to Daemons Discuss - this includes RSS, the email list, social media, and SEVERAL different apps for your mobile devices.
Contact us about the podcast using the form provided on the show notes of each episode. If you just want to type an email to us: DaemonsDiscuss (AT) gmail (DOT) com (we write it that way to avoid spam bots that scroll websites for email addresses - what a pain, right? Daemons have their hands full, we tell you!) This email address is exclusively for matters regarding the podcast. You can also give us a call and leave us a voice mail here: 1 (360) 519-7836. You can also leave a voicemail on SpeakPipe! All general inquiries about Daemons Domain should be made using our main contact form.
Armitage4Clairmont social media icon |
Beginnings, Endings, Change.
"Wait, what?!" Yes! This website fell under our big "Daemon Umbrella" as well. This entry now falls under historical documentation, and we keep it listed here for sentimental reasons 🖤.Armitage4Clairmont is where we started our 'public life' in 2012; the crusade officially ended on the 22nd of August, 2017 (the day of official casting announcements). Fare thee well, #RA4MC. We have no regrets, and we were pleased to welcome Matthew Goode (#MatthewSquared) to the All Souls universe with open arms! Richard Armitage was Matthew Clairmont in our hearts and imaginations for 5 years. Matthew Goode will easily fill that role now, and in the future forever more.
The site remains in tribute, but the domain expired in 2018.
Even though you no longer can visit at www.Armitage4Clairmont.com, we've archived it online via blogger, and you can still visit it here to read about our first public journey in the fandom.
Here is where we've stashed other goodies from our early Armitage4Clairmont days:
YouTube Channel
Deviant Art Gallery (our "movie posters" and other graphic art uploaded there)
Spotify Playlist (music used in videos)
Original Campaign Website circa 2012 (archived)
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