Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Bishop-Clairmont Family Trees & More...

For those of you who haven't had a chance to look at our website beyond the posts, we wanted to highlight a few items that could be helpful in your re-reads (or first-time reads) of the All Souls Trilogy (AST)

Have you ever just wanted a comprehensive graphic to see how everyone was tied to one another in AST?  Well, we can definitely attest to the value of visual aids!  From locations, to timelines, to charts they've helped us keep everything straight!  Here are some tools for you! (click images to enlarge)

On Matthew's side of the family:

Bishop-Clairmont on Matthew's side!
 On Diana's side of the family:

Bishop-Clairmont on Diana's side!
Special thanks goes to Maro Hogan, for creating the info graphics and allowing us to publish them for All Souls fans!

Also, we have our Daemon Guides available to give brief overviews and to help with comprehension of the overall story arc.  It's not a replacement for reading the series, but they will help in refreshing your memories as you move on from book to book!  You can find our Daemon guides -- >HERE

And if you don't feel like scrolling through all of our posts to find one in particular, we have made a MASTER POST LIST.  There you will find all of our posts categorized from guest blog posts, to giveaways, to our regular features and other pieces.  We like to keep things as organized as we can in the blog, and for us this made the most sense.  Hopefully it will help you navigate!

And don't forget our DOWNLOADS section, and ALL SOULS LINKS.  The downloads section contains documents from interviews with Deb to the family trees shown above, to printable versions of our Daemon guides!  All Souls Links will give you links to other sites in the fandom so you can see what's out there to explore!

All of these items can be found under our "Main Menu" on the left side of the site if you are on a laptop/desktop, or you can scroll through the mobile menu (if on your phone) right underneath the banner.

On the left is the menu you'll see on our full site - on the right is the mobile version of the menu.

Thanks for visiting us, and hopefully this will help you find what you are looking for when you are navigating our site! 

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