Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Combined Update!

Photo: Deborah Harkness
Update from Deb, plus some stuff from us!  From Deb's Facebook page:

The View from My Desk (actually my dining room table): Hitting the Pause Button 

It's time for my monthly update on all things All Souls.

Today is a rarity for me, because I'm taking two days for R&R after some productive meetings about the television adaptation with Bad Wolf in Wales. Two. Whole. Days. We are all going in so many different directions these days. Just taking some well-earned time to rest, reflect, recover, recharge has become a precious luxury and rarity. [...read her full post]

That's her update for September! We will archive this under her updates (on the Master Post List), but also under our posts.  We have some things brewing, dear readers!  Huge things!  Huge for us, anyway!  We are not the "teasing" type, but we are bubbling with giddiness with our latest project.  We are really enjoying it, we hope you will as well.

Photo from Wikipedia/Displayed on Broadly article today
You'll see soon enough what we are up to, but also we wanted to mention that we share all different types of pictures/articles/points of interest on social media (very different things on different platforms).  Today on Facebook we shared an article from Broadly.vice, discussing The Malleus Maleficarum, a 15th century witch hunting manual written by Heinrich Kramer.  Check it out here: Witches Allegedly Stole Penises and Kept Them as Pets in the Middle Ages.  So give us a follow on our different social media venues!  You'll never know what you may find!  We posted that article on a whim, and it made the Vampire Daemon think of a post of ours dealing with the same subject: the persecution of women by designating/trying them as witches.  The post was a Weekly Geek from a year ago, and we figured we'd share it again on our Facebook page this morning, but we wanted to mention it here so you can explore our past Geeks!  Read a blast from our geeky past here: Weekly Geek! 'The Discovery of Witches'.  Also, being that it is time-of-year appropriate, take a look at Weekly Geek! Matthew and Mabon.

We also wanted to mention the "share" function on our posts.  If you look below each post (on the desktop version of the site/not available on mobile) you'll see our social share buttons! If you like a piece/post, please share it with your friends on social media!  Thanking you in advance!  We appreciate all of our followers and friends!  Thank you for sticking with us! And until our next post (more sooner than later!), have a fun real-time reading experience this year, and hopefully we can enhance it!

Til next time!

Post by V. Grendell
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